Have you noticed the way many corporations love to sign you up for new products and services, but ignore you when you’ve decided it’s time to move on? It’s one of the biggest reasons I choose not to accept most marketing invitations for new products and services.

I signed up for a credit card with Capital One a couple of years ago. I thought I did my homework. I searched the Internet and tried to compare the different offers. I was looking for a card with the best cashback rewards. Capital One seemed to fit the bill, so I applied and was accepted. This part of the relationship building was smooth and fast.
When I tried to use their reward system, it turned out that the marketing material did not accurately describe how the reward system worked. I was disappointed. It was not what I thought they promised me. So, I decided to move on. The basic strategy was … 1) Apply for a new credit card somewhere else, 2) Get the new card and make sure they delivered on what was promised, and finally 3) Cancel my Capital One credit card.
I have high expectations which financial companies I trust. Basically, if I feel I need a lawyer when I sign up for a new service, then that’s not the type of company that I want to do business with. When it comes to who I let manage my money, trust is a mandatory requirement.
Today I tried to close my Capital One account. Their 1-800 number was useless. It was almost impossible to figure out how to cancel my card. Eventually, I found the right option and started my expected wait. After waiting for 15 minutes with dead silence on the line, I decided to look at their website. Guess what popped up on my screen within 15 seconds? 😮 A chat window offering to connect me with someone who would sign me up for a new account. I thought cool, maybe I can speak to a representative from Capital One who will help me close my account. I wasn’t sure if if it would work, but why not give it a try. You can see the transcript of my attempt below.
Hopefully, I can break up the relationship I have with Capital One faster using this technique than expecting them to answer my phone call. Breaking up is hard to do, but some companies make it harder than necessary.
Wish me luck!!!!
Chat Transcript …

Hi and welcome to Capital One live chat! One of our specialists will be right with you. Your chat may be monitored and recorded.

You are now chatting with Sinclair.
Sinclair: Thank you for visiting Capital One’s website. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions about our online credit card offers. How can I help you today?
You: I’d like to cancel my account please
Sinclair: Alright. Let me help you with that information.
You: great
Sinclair: We’re confident that you’ll enjoy your Capital One card. If you still want to cancel and you have a zero balance, you can call Customer Service at 1-800-481-3239 and they can help you with your request.
You: I’ve called them but I cannot get to a representative
You: can you please help me?
Sinclair: I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Sinclair: I honestly wanted to help you. Unfortunately as you have reached the wrong department, we do not have the access to check on existing accounts due to security reasons. Here we help our customers with new applications.
Sinclair: However, not to worry.
Sinclair: I’ll help you to get connected to a phone representatives.
You: you type fast, but maybe cut and paste is easier
You: that’s perfect
You: maybe someone can call me?
Sinclair: Thank you. I really appreciate your patience and understanding.
Sinclair: I’m really sorry. Currently we do not have the option to call our customers.
Sinclair: If none of the options are working for you and you are unable to connect with the representatives, I’ll suggest that you wait till the end of the call and you’ll be automatically connected with our representatives.
Sinclair: This way you will get connected to one of our representatives directly and quickly.
You: I’ve been waiting for a long time and nothing is happening
You: not quickly
You: in fact quite a long drawn out process 🙁
Sinclair: I’m sorry for that. may be all our representatives will busy with the calls.
You: it seems you’re quicker to accept a new account than being able to help your existing customers
You: why can’t you help me?
Sinclair: Please allow me a moment.
You: sure
Sinclair: Thank you.
Sinclair: As this is a sales chat support we do not have the access to check on existing accounts. however, not to worry. I’ll surely take this as a priority and make sure this reaches the top level at Capital One.
Sinclair: Right now, what best I can do to get your issue solved at the earliest is, I’ll initiate a call back.
Sinclair: Once I initiate the call back, you’ll get a call from our account specialist/application team who has the authority to look into your account and help with this concern.
Sinclair: Would that be fine with you?
You: That would be very helpful 🙂
Sinclair: Thank you.
Sinclair: To initiate a call back, please provide me with the following information.
Sinclair: Full Name:
You: David Mackey
Sinclair: Phone number and Alternate Phone number:
Sinclair: Email address:
You: [phone number edited out]
Sinclair: Time of availability:
You: anytime other than tomorrow (June 26)
Sinclair: Okay. Can I also get your Email address?
You: [email address edited out]
Sinclair: Thank you, David.
Sinclair: I have initiated the call back for you. You can receive the call anytime from now.
You: Thank you. I appreciate your help 🙂
Sinclair: It’s my pleasure. I really appreciate your understanding and we value your precious time.
Sinclair: Is there anything else that I could do to better assist you today?
You: nope, it’s all good
You: Thanks!
Sinclair: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure chatting with you today.
Sinclair: Have a good day. Take care and Bye!!!